We won!
Joe Perkins elected Circuit Judge in Miami-Dade County.
Message from Joe: We did it! I am so excited about the election results and am honored to serve our community from our Circuit Court.
When we started campaigning three years ago, I was just a lawyer with a wife and a friend who wanted to make a difference. Over the years our campaign grew to include nearly 100 committee members, behind the scenes activists, and volunteers in all corners of our County making calls, knocking on doors, sending emails, and distributing signs and literature.
But I know you didn’t do this just to win an election. And I know you didn’t do it for me. You did it because you agree with the magnitude of the task at hand. And you agree with the message that has been the fabric of our campaign since day one: We are stronger united, and although it is easy to feel that we, as a People, are hopelessly divided, we can still unite behind the basic creed that a judiciary that is attentive, impartial, well-grounded, and intellectually honest benefits all of us, as one family.
I would like to congratulate Olanike “Nike” Adebayo for running a very strong campaign.
I would also like to thank my best friend and wife, Maria Fernanda. I wouldn’t be here without you. Your unflinching support and love is the greatest gift I have ever received, and there is no combination of words that can fully embody my love for and gratitude toward you.
Now I put my head down with a new mission – keeping the trust you have placed in me.
Thank you Miami-Dade County.
Joe Perkins